Parasites, Environmental Toxins & Allergy Links

The parasite Ascaris is a common cause of milk intolerance leading to the inability to process fats. This microbe that 1 in 4 humans host worldwide (most without symptoms) actually feeds off B12 and folate (commonly known by its synthetic form as Folic Acid) in order for it to break down Chlorine, Formaldehyde, Mercaptan, Phosphoric Acid and alcohols.

Yes, you read it correctly! It helps break down the above toxins in the body. The link of microbes storing metals and environmental toxins is becoming more evident. (Dr Hulda Clark, Alan Baklayan, Dr Amy Yasko)

Ascaris is also the most common cause of blocked lymph nodes and night sweats (that are not hormone related.)

Children with this infection tend to throw off their clothes even in winter as they always feel hot and tend to sweat easily.

Ascaris and its affinity to Chlorine and Mercury and milk allergy lends itself more to the ME/CFS spectrum, whereas wheat and the particularly gluten intolerant sufferers are linked to FMS.

This is because of gluten actually stops the body in detoxifying chemicals such as Xenobiotics.

It is these types of chemicals that are overloading the body and are the primary cause of pain factors linked to FMS.

In my clinical experience, there are two significant findings that I have discovered that are important in the symptoms between the two illnesses:

  • Metals generally overload the liver and cause a breakdown in liver detox in ME/CFS patients, whereas chemical toxins seem to have more stress to the kidneys in FMS patients.

Methylation Block
Methylation Block

  • Generally liver stressed patients with CFS tend to have stiff legs, whereas FMS patients have more pain syndromes particularly in the knees, around the ankles and underneath the feet that relates to the kidneys.

In my opinion, the eleven tender points on the upper body (that is a standard diagnostic criteria) is not a conclusive indication of FMS.

The Wheat-Gluten Connection


The link between the vast increase in gluten intolerance and the herbicide Roundup is not to be taken lightly. Read an in-depth study here.

My first experience of the effects of gluten intolerance and the bodies retention of environmental toxins came with a patient I tested in my clinic eight years ago who had worked in the petrochemical industry. He suffered mild neurological symptoms but was otherwise relatively well.

I prescribed him a combination of bitter herbs to break up chemical strains in his body for over three months and he reported to me no obvious symptoms.

That is until he started a wheat/gluten free diet. Within two weeks of this his liver, kidneys and nervous system tested positive for the petrochemicals that he had been exposed to for years. As soon as he stopped gluten his bodies cells released a cascade of these chemicals and his joint and neurological symptoms suddenly escalated. Other practitioners confirmed similar findings to me and there is no doubt gluten stops the body detoxifying a whole range of toxic chemicals. A typical Herxheimer’s reaction.

What is stopping the natural detoxification of these environmental toxins from the body?

Transglutaminase is used as a glue in food processing to help bind ingredients together. TG2 antibodies are found in the intestinal lining and is a marker for coeliac disease. Positive TG6 found in the central nervous system is associated with neurological destruction triggered by gluten.

Lectins in the form of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bind sugars and carbohydrates together like glue and is capable of passing through the blood brain barrier and attaches to the myelin sheath and inhibit nerve growth. Another reason to supplement with vitamin B12.

Opioids immune response occurs in the brain of children with Autism who are gluten intolerant and in CFS and particularly FMS reactions are similar. Withdrawal symptoms are typical of chemicals being released from fatty tissues into the bloodstream and organs of detoxification.


Eurytrema Pancreaticum is a parasite that is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and wheat intolerance. Some patients can be so incredibly allergic to it, or the gluten part, that they suffer severe joint and muscle pain. It is not uncommon to find patients with Rheumatoid arthritis or myalgia syndromes with this parasite. It particularly stores alcohols and fuels the connection to lactic acid symptoms commonly found in FMS.

Here is a short list of some parasites and the conditions they are linked with:

  • Fasciolopsis buski : cancer, abdominal complaints, endometriosis, back pain, severe arthralgia, MS, muscular dystrophy, HIV, ME/CFS.
  • Fasciolopsis hepatica: cause of many allergies, Crohn's disease, endometriosis, back pain and joint problems, myopathy, MS, Epstein Barr virus (EBV), liver dysfunction.
  • Clonorchis sinensis: chemical sensitivity, metal allergies, endometriosis, CFS, liver issues, allergies.
  • Eurytrema pancreaticum: diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood sugar imbalances, wheat and gluten allergy, epilepsy, ME/CFS, Crohn's disease, endometriosis, candida, alcohol intolerance.
  • Strongyloides: headaches, migraines, depression, FMS, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Ascaris: milk intolerance, viral conditions, depression, psoriasis, FMS, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, bronchitis, asthma, fibromyositis, IBS, candida, chlorine/formaldehyde, alcohol sensitivity, anaemia, ME/CFS.
  • Enterobius vermicularis: toluene sensitivity, viral conditions, hyperactivity, hormone imbalance, endometriosis, teeth grinding, nightmares, upper back pain.
  • Giardia lamblia: multiple food intolerance (starting with wheat), serotonin deficiency, small intestine digestive complaints, wait to regularities, low blood pressure.
  • Salmonella: egg intolerance, Hormone and nervous system imbalance, anorexia, weight problems, anaemia, gallbladder issues, hearing problems, stomach issues, headaches.

Dr Paul Cheney has used parasitic protocol medicines to great effect with his patients in the USA.

Artesunate - the pharmaceutical drug - is primarily an anti-parasitical agent used for malaria and recently for various cancers with considerable success. The patient improvements indicate parasites and viruses play an important role in ME/CFS. This medicine targets the mitochondria in the cells of the parasites causing their break down and elimination as well as being a very effective anti-viral agent, so is useful in cases of both types of ME/CFS strains.